Hello and welcome!

Hello and welcome to my blog. I’m a diabetic and a carb addict and this is where I’ll share my journey of managing my carb addiction as a root cause of poor diabetes control.

Since discovering the concept a few weeks back, I’ve been fired up about carb addiction and its implications for managing my diabetes. There is a lot to process, and it’s not a topic I feel comfortable discussing openly with those around me. So I’m using this blog as a tool to capture and structure my thinking. I’m still unsure about the blog format and its content but wanted to get something out while I’m feeling inspired.

My catalyst was reading Fork in the Road: A Hopeful Guide to Food Freedom by Dr Jen Unwin. I wholeheartedly recommend this book (and will do a full review at some point soon). If you are looking for a quick and condensed version of the material, including an interactive questionnaire to assess your relationship with food, check out Liberate project by Public Health Collaboration, a charity based in the UK.

I’ve looked online for other resources and found some helpful ones, but also a lot of unhelpful noise. Social media has been especially patchy. Everyone seems to have an opinion on everything. Well, I guess I do too! My early conclusion is that you need to own your own health, work out your own path, and do what works for you. No two people are the same. Our bodies and our life experiences are unique and your approach will need adapting to your specific circumstances. Listen to your body and focus on what works.

Why blog instead of writing a personal journal? The carb addiction feels like a personal ‘discovery’ worth shouting about. I’m sure there are others who haven’t realised this is ‘a thing’ and are suffering in silence. This is me paying it forward through sharing my personal experience. If you have found my blog and come across anything relatable, useful or perhaps have a question for me, use comments on this blog or reach out on X.