
Blood Glucose Boot Camp - Day 3

Day 3 almost done and really excited to be heading for a first all ‘green’ day in weeks. The excitement is twofold. It’s great to see that there are lifestyle levers I can still pull to control my blood glucose levels despite living with unmanaged T2DM for over 15 years. Also, it is great to see that the principles that I set out when starting on this journey are quite solid. Now just need to see where I take this over the next 25 days.

Blood Glucose Boot Camp - Day 2

Almost two days down, only 26 and a bit to go! So far so good. Just. It is quite amazing how much mental effort it takes to battle your impulses and stay on plan. I’m more than ready to hit the sack even as I write this intro. So what have I been up to? Mostly throwing myself at work so that I don’t have to think about what my blood glucose levels are doing, but I have to say that it already is starting to look a little bit better than yesterday.

Blood Glucose Boot Camp - Day 1

It’s now over a week since me having my wobble and my blood glucose levels have continued to slowly creep up and my weight loss has not only stalled but has gone in reverse. Reduction in my diabetes medication did come with a warning that something like this could happen. So it is not completely unexpected, but needs addressing. It looks like a more relaxed approach to eating is not working for me and I need to stick to my original principles a bit more rigidly. To keep myself accountable I’ll be tracking my interventions and detail the impact they are having on me on this blog. Welcome to Day 1 of my 28 day blood glucose boot camp. 🫣

Having a wobble...

As great as my progress has been over the last 12 weeks I’m having a bit of a wobble right now. It looks like relaxing my routine just a little bit (some extra carbs in a couple of meals, eating my last meal of the day closer to bed time a few times, missing out my alternate fasting day) has upset a very fine balance. My blood glucose levels feel like a runaway train - shooting up during daily dawn phenomena / foot on the floor occurrences, not returning to my normal baseline during the day and then the cycle repeats the next day but from a new slightly higher baseline. I am trying to keep calm, stay the course and recognise that my body might need time to adjust to the new normal of almost no diabetes medicine after years of maxing out on it, but it is mentally very hard.