
This is where I rave about figuring out what works for you when it comes to managing your health rather than always relying on insights gleaned from population averages.

Reading List  

Once I started exploring diabetes reversal / low carb / food addiction / real food topics, it was like the whole new world opened up to me. I still feel like a knowledge sponge, absorbing lots of new information. So much to learn, understand, test. I scoured my existing library for anything useful, went on a book shopping spree and even signed up at my local library. This is where my current reading list lives in case you need an inspiration.


This is where I make sense of my Type 2 diabetes. There is so much conflicting information out there about managing T2 and this is my attempt to make sense of and structure the relevant content, and create a guided path through it.


This is where I make sense of my relationship with food. While Ultra Processed Food Addiction hasn’t yet been formally recognised by diagnostic tools like ICD-11 or DSM-5, there is a consensus emerging that it is a real thing: International Food Addiction Consensus (IFAC).